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The Different Types Of Lube And Their Wondrous Uses

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My GF and I have always enjoyed our sex life. Some time ago, we were trying to find a way to make things even better, because – as Woody Allen once said – “is sex dirty? Only if it’s done right.” We decided not to go head first (pun totally intended) into the heavier things. We settled on finding some interesting sexual lubricants to experiment with. There were the “go-to” brands like Astroglide, K-Y Jelly, and Liquid Silk. These are considered the best lubes by many people, but I felt the unyielding urge to do my own research, and get some hands-on experience.

In all honesty, I was amazed. I never knew so many different types of lubricants existed. The three major categories seemed to be oil-based, silicone-based, and water-based. Here’s a bit about each of these categories:

Lube Oil

Bottle of baby oil.

Baby Oil is one of the most commonly used oil based lubes.

Lubes based on oil usually have less additives and preservatives, so they may seem like a great type of lubricants. However, this type of lube is recommended for those who are not using condoms, since oil-based lube can cause condom slippage and breakage. Oil and latex don’t mix well, and latex condoms are at risk of being punctured by the oil, creating tiny (yet significant) holes in the condom. Nobody wants that.

Silicone Lube

Lubes based on silicone usually contain no water. This could be an advantage to some, and a disadvantage to others. More on that later. Silicone lubes feel different, mainly because silicone is not absorbed by the skin, unlike oil or water. This gives a whole new range of possibilities.

Water-Based Lube

Water-based lube is the most commonly used lubricant. Since it is based on water, it is quickly absorbed by the skin, and this may cause the lube to dry out quicker and require reapplication. To get past this issue, recently water-based lubes have been formulated with moisturizers such as Aloe Vera or Carrageenan, which help a great deal. They reduce dryness, soothe the skin, and do not interfere with the experience.

To all of you out there who are fidgeting and shifting – relax. Using lubricant does not mean that your partner does not desire sex, or is not aroused. Lubes are recommended for anyone and everyone, at any time. It is a sexual-enhancer, and it does not mean that there is something “wrong”. Many women like using lubricant, even if they are already aroused. It does not indicate anything other than the desire to have fun.