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Health Benefits Of Coriander Essential Oil Explained

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If you often find yourself in the kitchen or enjoy cooking, then you’re bound to have used Coriander at some point in your life and should be familiar with it’s sweet, almost lemony scent. Every part of the herb is edible – the seed, the roots, stems and leaves, and are often used in a variety of dishes. From flavoring meat and poultry dishes, spicing up sausages, adding some body to a warm curry or even in breads – Coriander is a must have for anyone who is passionate about cooking.

Coriander is not limited to adding only taste to your dish. It also has a wide variety of important nutrients and vitamins that your body needs to maintain good health. The leaves of the plant contain relatively high levels of Vitamin A, C and K (which are great for your skin, hair, eyes and immune system – so very handy for cold winters).

The seeds also contain various minerals such as iron, selenium, magnesium, manganese as well as dietary fiber which we need to maintain a healthy and working digestive system.

The essential oil produced by this fantastic plant is basically a concentrated form of all the natural elements found in the plant already – so is even more potent. If you’re currently on a multivitamin or a series of vitamin supplements – then I recommend switching to coriander essential oil as it’s cheaper and much more effective – especially when you include the plant in your cooking as much as possible too.

What Is Coriander Essential Oil?

Coriander Essential Oil Next To A Coriander Plant.

Coriander Essential Oil Is Made From The Coriander Plant.

Coriander is one of the oldest plants to have been cultivated by man and has been dated as far back as the ancient Egyptians – perhaps even further than that! The plant is common to parts of Western Asia, Southern Europe as well as parts of the Mediterranean. It was used for both culinary and medicinal purposes – even as an ingredient in perfume during the times of the ancient Greeks. Quite astounding to think that you could do so much with just one plant!

The essential oil can be made from every part of the plant and is easy to cultivate on a large scale. This means that the oil is generally readily available and quite affordable. The oil has been produced in the same way throughout most of history, via a method known as steam distillation.

This is still regarded as the best ways to create the oil as it produces the finest grade of oil, clear of any impurities of chemical additives. First, the plants are harvested and cut up into smaller pieces – then they’re crushed to help release the phytonutrients and chemical compounds that constitute the essential oil.

The organic material is then added to a vat of boiling water where the steam produced by the water is used to extract the chemicals from the organic matter through evaporation. This steam then gathers in a final chamber where it condenses and forms the liquid that is the final product – or the essential oil of the organic matter. In this case Coriander.

It’s a potent natural cure-all and can be used to treat a variety of ailments, illnesses and diseases as well as strengthen the healing properties of various household products such as shampoos, body lotions, food dishes and many others.

How To Make DIY Coriander Essential Oil

A Scoop Of Ground Coriander Seeds.

Making Your Own Coriander Oil Extract Is Very Easy.

Making your own Coriander essential oil is quite a challenging process as it means you’ll have to construct your own steam distillation rig and work in a decontaminated area. It’s not impossible, but it will take a considerate amount of time to build and it won’t be worth the cost unless you’re planning to use it on a regular basis or for commercial use. So if you’re into DIY and looking for a new hobby, or you possibly want to produce the oil on a large scale basis, it could be worth looking into. In general it doesn’t work out to be the most cost-effective method, plus there’s a good chance your product may become contaminated by bacteria or other impurities – a risk not worth taking.

However, making your own Coriander oil extract is very easy and shouldn’t take more than an afternoon in the kitchen. To do this, all you will need are roughly 4 tablespoons of Coriander seeds, a few  Coriander leaves, a glass mason jar with a sealable lid and about 500 ml of Olive or Canola oil. You will also need a piece of muslin or cheesecloth as a filter.

First, crush the seeds and the leaves together (be sure to keep a few intact for later though) using a mortar and pestle or however you choose to do so. Then, heat your oil in a pot or large pan (preferably a pot, as you can close it with a lid which is safer). The oil should not be boiling, but rather simmering. 

Then add the crushed seeds and leaves to the oil and allow it to simmer for about an hour. Be sure to monitor the heat, and lower it if the oil starts to bubble, or you smell burning. Once the time has elapsed, leave the oil to cool for about 30 minutes. Then strain the oil through the muslin or cheesecloth filter into a separate bowl. Finally, decant the oil into your glass jar, add the crushed seeds and leaves (as well as the uncrushed ones) to the oil and seal the jar.

Allow the oil to rest overnight and by the following day, you’ll have your own extract ready to use for cooking or even as a light topical treatment in small amounts as a moisturizer. For added effect, add 10-15 drops of Coriander essential oil to your extract to increase its healing benefits.

Coriander Essential Oil For Diabetes Explained

Inserting Insulin Into a Syringe.

Coriander Can Help Regulate Blood Sugar Levels.

Diabetes is a common but nonetheless serious ailment that can have truly negative effects on your life and overall health and if left untreated, can even become life-threatening. Basically it is a disorder that inhibits the use of sugar in your body leading to excess sugar levels in your bloodstream which causes high blood-glucose levels. This can lead to a variety of serious problems such as heart disease, renal (kidney) failure and ocular damage or loss of vision.

There are two types of the disease that commonly occur, namely:

Type 1 Diabetes. This generally occurs in younger people and is considered a viral disease. In this case, the disease breaks down cells in the pancreas – the organ which is responsible for creating insulin in our body. Insulin helps to break down the sugar in our bloodstream, and thus is key for maintaining low blood-glucose levels.

Type 2 Diabetes. This is the most common type of diabetes and generally tends to happen in old age. When there are high levels of toxicity in the cells of your body, they cannot accept the naturally produced insulin in your body which means your blood-sugar levels have to be monitored carefully and kept in the ‘mid-range’ as opposed to lowering it completely.

Coriander is an amazing natural treatment for Diabetes (type 1 and 2) as it mimics insulin on a cellular level. It can be used to help balance your blood-sugar levels as well as helping to prevent cell damage in your pancreas and even stimulating the secretion of insulin. For maximum effect, many have recommended using the oil in combination with cinnamon oil – as they have similar effects on your body.

To use the oil, simply melt a tablespoon of coconut oil in a warm pan and add 10 drops of Coriander oil and 8 drops of Cinnamon oil. Allow the oil to cool and then massage it into your feet before you go to sleep. You can also add the same amount of oils to a boiled bowl of water and inhale the steam, as they’ll pass into your bloodstream through the olfactory glands in your nose and will be just as effective.

Coriander Essential Oil For Hair Growth

Hair loss is common to middle-aged men or those who have a genetic disposition towards the disorder. There are a number of reasons why you could be going bald – stress, genetics or perhaps you’ve been using a shampoo that is killing off your hairs? They’re all worth investigating, but one of the more probable reasons is male pattern baldness.

This is a disorder that affects millions of people and can be quite embarrassing. In short, excess levels of testosterone gather underneath your scalp and are converted (over time) into a chemical known as 5 alpha-reductase. This then blocks the pores of your scalp and starves the hair follicles of important nutrients that they need to remain strong and healthy. Over time, if left untreated, this causes the hairs to become weak and eventually fall out.

If you’re already losing hair, or going bald it’s important that you treat the affected area quickly – so as to prevent further hair loss. Coriander essential oil is great for hair loss as one of the main components of the oil is a chemical known as Linalool. This is great for strengthening your hairs from the inside, as it penetrates the skin deeply. It can also help to reduce the buildup of the 5 alpha-reductase in your scalp, allowing better flow of cells to your hair follicles and making them stronger and healthier.

What Does Coriander Essential Oil Blend Well With?

Cinnamon Sticks Next To Ground Cinnamon.

We Recommend Blending Oil With Cinnamon.

If you’re using the oil as a diabetes treatment – then I highly recommend blending the oil with cinnamon as they have the same effects on your body and also smell really great together. However, if you’re using the oil for hair care, skin care or other aroma-therapeutic purposes, then I recommend blending the oil with Bergamot, Clary Sage, Cypress, Ginger, Sandalwood or Myrrh essential oils. These will also strengthen the natural chemical properties of the Coriander oil as they have similar phytochemical makeups.

This is definitely one of the safest essential oils on the market and is considered non-toxic and a non-irritant oil. However, using excessive amounts of the oil has been linked to drowsiness – but if you keep to a regulated dosage, you should be fine.

As a word of advice, we generally recommend that you stay away from all essential oils during pregnancy as they’re pretty potent and can get into your bloodstream – thus affecting your baby’s health. We also recommend that you patch-test the oil when applying it to your skin in order to test for possible allergic reactions. This is rare in most cases, but it’s better to be safe!

Read on at Maple Holistics: How Toxic Sunscreen is Ruining Our Oceans and Derma Rolling 101!


In conclusion, I don’t see any reason why Coriander oil isn’t more popular in Western households than any other spice we have in our kitchens. We’re so used to seeing the plant and perhaps even cooking with it on a regular basis, that the essential oil of Coriander isn’t much of a deviation from the norm. It’s really helpful for having around the house and can be used to treat everything from stress and athlete’s foot, to serious diseases like type 1 and 2 Diabetes.

Coriander is really one of nature’s gifts that keeps on giving. It’s easy to grow, works well in a variety of dishes and is really potent as a medicinal product. So instead of buying your mineral supplements and multivitamin tablets next time you’re out, rather shop for some essential oils – and throw Coriander oil into the basket while you’re at it. You won’t regret it!