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Kennel Cough In Dogs Explained

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You and the family have just got back from a nice long trip and have come to pick your pooch up from the kennel to take them home. But there’s something wrong – your pup sounds like it’s got something stuck in its throat.

You ask the people at the kennel if they fed the dog anything unusual, or if they were given any chew toys etc. Nothing. If this seems to be the case, or if you haven’t put your dog in a kennel and it’s experiencing similar symptoms – there’s a likely chance that your dog is probably suffering from some form of Bordetella, otherwise known as kennel cough.

Much like the common cold in humans, kennel cough is transferred through tiny spit and mucus particles that are spread through coughing and sneezing. As a pet owner, you should know that it’s generally considered a rather mild form of infection. That is, as long as it’s caught early enough and treated properly. Without treating the infection, it can lead to rather serious issues that may become life-threatening as the infection worsens. Additionally, it’s contagious so you might want to rethink your next dog park visit.

I’d like to help you identify the infection and its symptoms so that you can treat it early enough. This will not just keep your four-legged friend healthy and happy but also save yourself the trouble of expensive visits to the vet and costly meds.

Bordetella, AKA Kennel Cough Explained

Dog coughing.

Kennel Cough.

Bordetella bronchiseptica is a bacterium that infects the upper respiratory system of dogs. It is one of the pathogens responsible for the common infection known as kennel cough. While the bacteria generally affect dogs, the common ailment can also have an effect on the health of people. Much like the common cold in humans, Bordetella is an airborne virus.

Kennel cough gets its name from the propensity to be contracted by dogs kept in close quarters with each other. Infectious molecules are passed from one host to another through mucus and spit molecules spread through sneezing, coughing, and coming into direct contact with other infected dogs.

The bacteria quickly begin to multiply once they’ve established themselves inside a host. Nevertheless, dogs aren’t considered “infected” until there are enough of the pathogens inside the dog when the symptoms will become more noticeable as the infection worsens.

Symptoms of kennel cough generally start off mild, usually with a slight cough, sneezing, or gagging sounds. However, as the infection worsens, the cough can become worse, and in some cases lead to pneumonia. Thankfully, the disease doesn’t usually get to that point. Furthermore, if your dog has a strong immune system and maintains a well-balanced diet, you shouldn’t have any serious issues.

Although there are easy to find medications out there, many pet owners prefer natural and homeopathic remedies. In fact, many of these are used as preventative measures to reduce the chances of infection.  I always recommend this route before pharmaceutical drugs or antibiotics. They have little to no side-effects and boost your dog’s overall immune system in the process.

The Difference Between Bordetella Pertussis & Bordetella (Kennel Cough)

It is true that bordetella pertussis and bordetella are closely related, but they manifest themselves differently during infections and are actually quite different.

Bordetella pertussis tends to primarily infect humans and can often lead to ‘whooping cough’. In this sense, it’s somewhat more advanced than the standard bordetella virus, which only infects dogs (or very rarely affects humans). While the two diseases may share similar symptoms, means of spreading, and even the means of cure or prevention are similar – the diseases are not the same and will not affect dogs as they affect humans and vice versa.

What Does Kennel Cough Sound Like?

Symptoms of kennel cough include signs of coughing or sneezing at first but may worsen if the infection goes untreated. Gagging sounds may also accompany the issue as your dog tries to get rid of excess phlegm and mucus. Gagging and vomiting may eventually occur if the infection isn’t stopped in its tracks. Keep an eye out for a white discharge of liquid from your pooch’s eyes. This may look like the proteins that gather in our eyelids when we wake up. This is usually the first sign of infection and the best time to begin treatment.

Symptoms of kennel cough include signs of coughing or sneezing at first but may worsen if the infection goes untreated. Gagging sounds may also accompany the issue as your dog tries to get rid of excess phlegm and mucus. Gagging and vomiting may eventually occur if the infection isn’t stopped in its tracks. Keep an eye out for a white discharge of liquid from your pooch’s eyes which may look like the proteins that gather in our eyelids when we wake up. This is usually the first sign of infection and the best time to begin treatment.

Top Natural Bordetella Remedies For Dogs: Nosodes, Raw Honey, Esberitox


Close up of honey comb.

Raw Honey for your Pup.

Natural raw honey is one of the best ways to treat a wide variety of health ailments, even in our four-legged buddies. This is due to its potent natural antiseptic and antibacterial agents which are highly effective at reducing the formation and spread of bacteria, ultimately limiting the effects of an infection or disease. Dogs love it because it’s sweet and tasty, plus it’s a really good carrier for spices like cinnamon and clove which are also effective antiseptic agents. These spices can surprisingly do wonders for helping clear up the infectious mucus while also aiding their immune system.


Although they’re similar to vaccines, nosodes are not injected – they’re administered orally. It should be noted that the kennel cough nosodes are best given before the exposure and do not actively fight off the disease. Nosodes are essentially created from organic matter that is extracted from an infected body – usually in the form of nasal discharge. The infected material is subjected to a lengthy dilution process wherein the infected organic matter is ultimately reduced to a bioenergetic remedy that resembles the energetic blueprint of the disease in question.

I prefer administering the medication with raw honey. This is because it doubles the healing effects and makes it easier for your dog to swallow.


A highly effective natural remedy for treating the symptoms of the common cold and the flu in humans and recently, kennel cough in dogs. Esberitox is rich in natural ingredients that have been specially collected in order to create a lasting shield against bacteria infecting your body. It also helps to treat signs of infection once you or your pet has become infected.

DIY Natural Pet Spray Recipe & Guide

DIY Natural Kennel Cough Cure

This is a little homemade recipe to help treat and prevent the spread or onset of Bordetella. The best part is that it’s quick, easy, and natural! What you need:

  • 1 Tablespoon Raw Honey
  • 1 ¼ Teaspoon Cinnamon Powder

Blend the cinnamon powder with the honey. Add a little more honey if you feel you need to (+/- a teaspoon). Stir well so that it blends into the mixture.

You can then add this mixture to your dog’s food or give it to them in its raw form. It’s a great alternative to pharmaceutical cough mixtures and is far healthier than antibiotics.

Leptospirosis Vaccine For Dogs Explained: Is It Safe?


Bordetella is definitely something that we should treat sooner than later. By keeping an eye out for the symptoms, you can stop the disease from becoming serious at the onset. Generally, the issue stops at the coughing, sneezing and vomiting. If things get worse while using natural treatments, take your pet to a vet sooner rather than later.