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How To Get Rid of Facial Hair Naturally & Painlessly

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For some, they take great pride in the ability to cultivate a swelling mass of facial hair for themselves. It takes months, sometimes even years to achieve and is generally treated like a milestone in one’s life – an investment, a statement.

However, there are many who struggle with the exact opposite problem and spend most of their lives trying to get rid of unwanted facial hair. For men and women both, this is a problem that they struggle with on an almost daily basis.

So in order to help you out, we’re going to give you the in’s and out’s of hair growth and how to treat it with safe and natural means. I hope this helps you on your path to a fresh and hairless face.

What Causes Facial Hair Growth In Men & Women?

Guy with beard in the woods.

Testosterone causes facial hair growth.

Basically, all hair growth in both men and women can be directly linked to one hormone in our body: testosterone. With men, this is a naturally occurring hormone that comes into play during puberty (our mid to late teenage years). This is usually when we start showing the first signs of hair growth on our bodies as well as our face. Except of course for our heads and armpits – which happens a lot earlier in most cases.

However, with women, this usually tends to happen after menopause. Once a woman’s fertility period has come to an end, her body starts to produce less estrogen. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for most of feminine traits. In some cases, menopause ramps up the production of testosterone. Once this starts happening, it’s not uncommon for facial hair to spring up and generally has to be kept under control through various methods and techniques.

However, in certain cases, a woman may suffer from a hereditary or genetic disorder known as hirsutism. This generally results in hair growth on a woman in much the same manner as it would on a man. So it’s easy to see why so many would want to treat. The problem is that there is no known cure for hirsutism. It’s really more of a lifelong commitment for treating the disorder.

This is really more of a trigger for hirsutism and can be identified as a link for the development of the disorder. With adrenal gland disorders, the excess cortisol your body produces may affect the way it produces androgens (sex hormones). This may ultimately lead to hirsutism.

How To Permanently Get Rid Of Facial Hair Naturally – Top Methods

There are a lot of ways to get rid of unwanted facial hair – some of which are the more obvious ‘go-to’ remedies that most of us already know about such as waxing, shaving, laser treatment or hair removal creams. However, these may cost a lot of money and generally tend to irritate more sensitive skin types. So here are a few of my favorite natural, DIY remedies that you can make in the comfort of your own home – to great effect.

1. Lavender Gelatin Peel-Off Mask

Lavender in hands.

Holding Lavender.

This recipe has been doing some rounds on the internet for a while and seems to have gained some popularity. It’s quite effective, relatively cheap and definitely worth trying out.  You will need: 

  • 2 drops of Bergamot essential oil 
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin (unflavored)
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons of milk (low fat preferably)
  • 2 drops of Lavender essential oil

In a small bowl, add milk, unflavored gelatin and bergamot and lavender essential oil. Mix them well. Microwave this mixture for about 15 to 20 seconds. Apply it immediately on your face after you remove it from the microwave.

Leave it to sit on your face for a few minutes. Gelatin sticks onto your face fast. You can apply it either on the areas where the unwanted hair growth is visible or on your whole face. Avoid applying the mask on your eyebrows or close to your eyes.

You can remove the gelatin mask from your face after 5 -10 minutes as it would have dried off completely by then. Peel it off completely. You will find that your unwanted facial hair and blackheads peel off from your face.

You may have to repeat this once a week for a 2 weeks to a month to get the desired results, but it’s cheap, healthy and effective nonetheless.

2. Homemade Wax

Women holding a spoon with wax.

Honey for waxing.

This is another really simple recipe that you can try in comfort of your own home with ingredients you probably already have lying around. You will need:  

  • 1 tablespoon of raw honey
  • 1 tablespoon of water
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of clove powder (or cinnamon) 

Simply combine all the ingredients together in a microwave-friendly bowl, mix well and then microwave for at least 30 – 40 seconds. Remove the mixture from the microwave and quickly apply the wax to the areas that you’d like to remove the hair from – but do so one area at a time.

Once you’ve applied the wax, simply place a clean cloth over the wax and let it cool for a few seconds – then rip the wax off along with cloth in one swift movement. You’ll want to do this as quickly as possible, as it’s the easiest way to ensure that you minimize the pain. The wax, hair and any blackheads in the area will all be removed in one brief instance.

3. Egg-White Mask

Man breaking an egg over a bowl.

Using eggs for hair removal.

This one is perfect if you don’t have a microwave. It’s quick, cheap and easy – not to mention being pretty effective as well. You will need:

  • An egg white
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (preferably brown, but white will do just as well)
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch

Mix the egg white with the sugar and then add the cornstarch. Make sure that you beat the mixture well, so that all the ingredients blend nicely. Once this is complete, apply the paste to your face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes to ensure that it dries properly.

Once dry, tear the mask off your face quickly. Be careful not to rip it too harshly as you don’t want to damage your skin. By doing this effectively, you’ll essentially pluck out any hairs caught under the mask.

Then simply rinse your skin with cold water to help close the pores and voila – instant DIY natural hair mask. You can repeat this procedure once a week to get rid of any excess hairs – but be sure not to do so more than once a week as it can damage your skin with continual use.


So there you have it – a brief explanation as to what is most likely causing your facial hair to grow (if you’re a woman, this will be more of a surprise as it’s somewhat expected in men) as well as a few natural remedies to help treat the issue.

Conventional hair removal techniques can be costly and dangerous – so I would definitely recommend trying these out first before moving onto more serious forms of treatment. Who knows, you might just find something that sticks with you for life!